Junior College:

Junior College is the first step to Higher Education at college level. It is the foundation stone that lays perfect roadmap to your Career. Our expert faculty members help you to decide the best of the courses you should select. Just visit our College during admission time to get the best you could get of your Junior College. Admission to First Year of Junior College i.e. FYJC/ XI is based on your merit performance in class X i.e. S.S.C. and we strictly adhere to this criterion.

Admission Procedure :

Admission Procedure

  1. Admissions to Std. XI are given strictly on the merit basis of marks obtained at S.S.C. Examination.
  2. The admission procedure is conducted in accordance with the rules regulations laid down by the Govt. of Maharashtra.
  3. Application form 'A' attached with the prospectus should be used for admission.
  4. Stamp sized recent photograph should be affixed on the application and other copy of the same photograph should be affixed on Identity car.
  5. Application for admission should be submitted along with following documents.
    1. Attested Photocopy of mark statement of S.S.C. examination.
    2. Original school leaving certificate (students are advised to keep with themselves sufficient attested Photocopy of leaving certificate as the original certificate can not be returned to students under any circumstances.)
    3. A copy of fee-challan duly filled in as shown in the fees table in the prospectus.
    4. Attested Photocopy of caste certificate if a student belongs to Backward class.
  6. A student passing S.S.C. or equivalent Exam from other state or Board than Maharashtra Board has to submit the following additional documents -
    1. Passing Certificate
    2. Original copy of Migration certificate along with a Photocopy .
    3. Guarantee letter/Deed of undertaking (on Rs. 20/- Stamp) : (Proforma is available in College office)
    4. Eligibility Application form (Nashik Divisional Board)

Change of Subject / Faculty

  1. Change of subject or faculty is not normally allowed.
  2. Subject selected for Std. XI must be continued for Std. XII.
  3. With the prior permission of the Vice-principal change of subject or faculty can be made upto 15th Sept. as a special case. It is necessary to submit application in prescribed form and pay a charge of Rs. 50/- for such change.
  4. A student passing Std. XIth Science, can seek admission for Std. XIIth in Arts or Commerce faculty. Similarly a student passing Std. XIth commerce an opt for Std. XIIth Arts. However, the college shall not be responsible for the pre-preparation of the faculty selected.
  5. Vocational subject once offered cannot be changed in any circumstances at XII Std.

Identity Card

  1. Every Student must prepare Identity card affixed by recent photograph within 8 days of finalization of admission.
  2. Identity card can be purchased from consumer store.
  3. Student must register their identity card in the Library and obtain signature and stamp of the librariaan. Then only the Identity card shall be authorised by the Vice-Principal.
  4. Each student must have the Identity card with him/her while present in the premises. Failing this, disciplinary action may be taken against such students.

General Instructions

  1. Those who wish to leave college in between, should submit a written application along with receipt of fee and Identity card.
  2. Those who are eligible for different concessions like E.B.C., Primary / Secondary Teacher's wards, Freedom fighter's ward / Wards of Government servants must submit prescribed application form with necessary documents within the dates mentioned in the separate notices which are timely displayed on noticeboards.
  3. Girl students shall submit parents declaration in two copies in office as per the notice failing which they would not get ladies freeship.
  4. For vocational subjects in Science faculty and Information Technology subject a separate application Form 'B' along with a Photocopy of Mark Statement of S.S.C., School Leaving certificate, Caste certificate, etc. must be submitted at the time of admission.


There is no provision of re-examination for the Test on any ground. The provision of re-examination for the 1st Term End Examination & 2nd Term end examination is available only for the students who remained absent for the regular examination on medical ground or due to N.C.C. / N.S.S. Camp / Sports.

Terms of Attendance

  1. Attendance is taken at every lecture and if a student remains absent continuously for three days, he / she will not be allowed to do his / her practicals until satisfactory explanation is furnished by parents to the Vice-principal.
  2. 75% Attendance of total number of days in a term is necessary to enable a student to be admitted to the final examination.
  3. A day's attendance means attendance to all lecturesand practicals prescribed in college time-table for the class in which the student is studying.
  4. Students shall not remain absent for lectures, practicals or any examination without proper reason and an application for leave of absence shall be submitted to the Vice-principal.

Disciplinary Rules

  1. Students shall abide by all the general and special rules framed by the college authorities time to time regarding their conduct.
  2. No student will be allowed to take active part in any political activity directly or indirectly, associated with anti-social movement or any activity resulting in violence.
  3. Students shall not, in an way, disfigure the premises of the college and the hostel buildings or tamper with the furniture, electric connections, laboratory apparatus, etc.
  4. Every student must bring Identity Card in college.
  5. Students are strictly prohibited to smoke/consume drugs, nacrotics, tobacco, Gutka in college premises. Not only this, but if a student is found in prossession of narcotics and drugs, he will be liable for punishment under the Mumbai Police Act 1951.
  6. Ragging and such similar activities are strictly prohibited. Breach of these and such other rules will make the students liable for expulsion from college.
  7. Students are admitted to the college, subject to the control of the authorities in regard to their conduct in college premises
  8. Students shall not remain absent for lectures and practical without proper cause and an application for leave of absence shall be submitted to the concerned Vice-Principal, failing which strict punitive action is taken.
  9. Students are not allowed to misuse mobile phone and disturb other in college premise. Strict punitive action shall be taken in case of misuse / disturbance by mobile.